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Sheriff_deputies_and_San_Francisco_Police_officers_confront_demonstrators (Nancy Wong).jpg
International Hotel, 848 Kearny Street in San Francisco August, 1977. San Francisco Sheriffs' deputies and police confront demonstrators trying to prevent forced eviction of the hotel's elderly tenants. Photo by Nancy Wong

Inventory note: "Neg from Students? - People, campus buildings for yearbook (missing 400-I, 400-A0)"

Inventory note: "Graduate Studies Annual Report covershot : Sinsheimer Labs"
Sluggo's Porter College Cafe. Menu with Slug.
Soledad Brothers Defense Committee flyer, Circa 1970.

Produced by students at Oakes College, University of California, Santa Cruz
front cover inside ft. cover title page, back of title page, back cover (5 pgs total)

Inventory note: "May Speculation, A-E. Spring Thing F-G. Governor Ronald Reagan; student negs of Spring Thing; H. Library courtyard, trampoline, softball, tennis, field house, I. Stevenson College, Cowell College J-X. Various student activities,…
Psalm 23 sung at St. Peter's Basilica at Vatican City in 2005

PLEASE NOTE: In the New Vulgate Bible the sung psalm is psalm 22.

Antiphon: He makes me lie down in green pastures.

1 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
2 He…
Statement by Chancellor Dean McHenry to Informal Meeting of UCSC Academic Senate, May 22, 1969
Statement on discrimination against women at UCSC, 1971

Statue of Tom Scribner with Pussy Hat and Scarf from Women's March, 2017, Scribner was a vaudevillian, editor, humorist, philosopher, educator, logger, and a labor organizer with the Industrial Workers of the World (the "Wobblies". The sculpture was…
Stevenson College Coffeehouse Menu Sign. Photo: Lois Nelson
Stevenson College Coffeehouse Crowd Photo. Photographer: Mark Zemelman
Stevenson College Library photo. Photographer: Shmuel Thaler

7.2 Stevenson College Portrait FINAL 13x19.jpg
Stevenson College Portrait, Special Collections & Archives, University Library, UCSC
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