Ch. 21: Finding a Place on a "Very White Campus"

Reading for Haciendo Caras: Making Face, Making Soul: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Women of Color edited by Gloria Anzaldua

Celebrating Women: Twenty Years of Victories, Setbacks, and Challenges Ahead. Poster, February 24-25 1989
Archives--UCSC Library Special Collections
- Asian Pacific Islander Lesbian Collection curated by Alison Kim at UCSC Special Collections.
- Bettina Aptheker Papers (MS 157)
- A small collection related to the publishing of Revista Mujeres and to the UCSC organization Las Mujeres is available in the UCSC Library’s Special Collections Department. E184.M5 R4837 1983.
- UCSC Feminist Studies Department Records (UA 97)
Oral histories
- Professor Pedro Castillo: Historian, Chicano Leader, Mentor
- Crossing Borders: The UCSC Women's Center, 1985-2005
- Crossing Borders, Crossing Worlds: An Oral History with UC Santa Cruz Professor Olga Nájera-Ramírez
- C. Chung, A. Kim, and A.K. Lemeshewsky, eds. Between the Lines: An Anthology by Pacific/Asian Lesbians of Santa Cruz, California (Dancing Bird Press, 1987) is available in full text online.
- Grace Lichtenstein, “Should You Move to Santa Cruz? A Tough Look at a ‘Feminist Utopia,’” Ms. Magazine, December 1983.