The Amah Mutsun creation story tells us that Creator specifically gave
the Amah Mutsun the obligation to take care of the lands of their
traditional tribal…
On election night, University of California, Santa Cruz students protested the victory of Donald Trump. The protest began at the Quarry Plaza, and made it's way over to Rachel Carson college, where it ended.
Front row L-R: Jack Michaelson, Richard Randolph, George Benigsen, Bernard Haley, Manfred Shaffer, Harry
Berger, Neal Oxenhandler, Mary Holmes, John Pierce, Jasper Rose.
Second Row L-R: Thomas Vogler, Robert Werlin, William Hitchcock, George Amis,…
On my way to work. Although I fully support the action of standing up to be heard when you do not agree with something, I find it a bit ridiculous to walk down the middle of the street blocking traffic. Just my opinion. I'm sure this will be…
On my way to work. Although I fully support the action of standing up to be heard when you do not agree with something, I find it a bit ridiculous to walk down the middle of the street blocking traffic. Just my opinion. I'm sure this will be…
Includes colleges and campus buildings and index. Includes 2 inset location maps and text on verso. Includes sections on "Location and History", "How UCSC was Planned", "Are the Colleges Different?", "Board of Studies", "Undergraduate Information",…
From the Sentinel: "A safari of 50 University of California officials, regents and consultants toured the 2000-acre Cowell ranch site Thursday afternoon. Here they are returning from a loop around the proposed "high campus" area, one of several,…
Relief shown by contours and shading. Color key shows academic, residential colleges, professional schools, graduate and research, commercial, affiliated institutions and housing.
College four (Merrill) buildings are shown in red; other three are in black. Merrill completed in December 1968; Crown (college three) completed 1967. Plan includes pathways, roads and parking lots.