The decade of crisis also forced a revised appraoch to campus development. The expansions imagined in the 1960s were no longer realistic and the vision of an experimental approach to UC education was reconsidered.

“Let’s hope it doesn’t rub off” (1966)

West Side News, May 18, 1966

A Revised Plan

"[The Utilities and Site Development] project has changed significantly since it was approved February 12, 1973. The general description at that time outlined growth through College No. 12 and called for the extension of a major campus road. 

This revision will redefine the project in terms of the current campus growth plans....With reduced enrollment projection, expansion to the north has been deferred indefinitely.... The pedestrian/bike path between Oakes and core has been deferred." 

- from the Project Planning Guide for Utilities and Site Development University of California, Santa Cruz revised January 1976

Wilderness as Lonely

"UCSC is a lonely place. The redwoods separate us from each other: the institution humbles us with its complexity: the isolation of the campus carries with it a sense of unreality."

- from 1975 -1976 College Eight Handbook by Paul Niebanck College Eight Provost and Professor of Environmental Studies 

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